
Saint Augustine: The Teacher; The Free Choice of the Will; Grace and Free Will is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Teacher, written in the form of a dialogue between Augustine and his son Adeodatus, discusses linguistic philosophies, such as the association of words and their corresponding signs and the nature of that arrangement. This exposes the natural miscommunication that occurs between two conversing humans, establishing his concluding point: we are all called to listen, as God is the source of all...

whatever is possible without grace, even to the point of asserting that “in crowning our merits, God does nothing more than crown His own gifts.” Several years later, probably in 426, a copy of this letter fell into the hands of Florus, a monk of the community at Hadrumetum,5 during a visit to the monastery in his native city of Uzala, presided over by Bishop Evodius.6 A copy of the letter was dictated to Florus who had it brought back to Hadrumetum, while Florus himself went on to Carthage.7 Unknown
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